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Component Catalog

The ludic.catalog module is meant as a collection of components that could be useful for building applications with the Ludic framework.

  • Any contributor is welcome to add new components or helpers.
  • It also serves as a showcase of possible implementations.


The module ludic.catalog.typography contains the following components:

  • Link
  • Paragraph


# ludic/catalog/

class LinkAttrs(Attrs):
    to: str

class Link(ComponentStrict[PrimitiveChildren, LinkAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> a: ...


from ludic.catalog.typography import Link

Link("github", to="")

Paragraph Component


# ludic/catalog/

class Paragraph(Component[AnyChildren, GlobalAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> p: ...


from ludic.catalog.typography import Paragraph

Paragraph(f"Hello, {b("World")}!")


The module ludic.catalog.buttons contains the following components:

  • Button - regular button with the btn class
  • ButtonPrimary - regular button with the btn btn-primary class
  • ButtonSecondary - regular button with the btn btn-secondary class
  • ButtonDanger - regular button with the btn btn-danger class
  • ButtonWarning - regular button with the btn btn-warning class
  • ButtonInfo - regular button with the btn btn-info class

The module ludic.catalog.navigation contains the following components:

  • NavItem
  • Navigation

These components have the following definition:

# ludic/catalog/

class NavItemAttrs(GlobalAttrs):
    to: str

class NavItem(Component[PrimitiveChildren, NavItemAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> li: ...

class Navigation(Component[NavItem, GlobalAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> ul: ...

Here is the usage:

from ludic.catalog.navigation import Navigation, NavItem

    NavItem("Home", to="/"),
    NavItem("About", to="/about"),

This would render as the following HTML tree:

<ul class="navigation">
    <li id="home">
        <a href="/">Home</a>
    <li id="about">
        <a href="/about">About</a>


The module ludic.catalog.items contains the following components:

  • Pairs
  • Key
  • Value

Here is the definition:

# ludic/catalog/

class Key(Component[PrimitiveChildren, GlobalAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> dt: ...

class Value(Component[PrimitiveChildren, GlobalAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> dd: ...

class PairsAttrs(GlobalAttrs, total=False):
    items: Iterable[tuple[str, PrimitiveChildren]]

class Pairs(Component[Key | Value, PairsAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> dl: ...

There are two possible ways to instantiate these components:

from ludic.catalog.items import Pairs, Key, Value


Or passing the items attribute:

    items={"name": "John", "age": 42}.items(),


These components located in ludic.catalog.forms are in an experimental mode. There is the possibility to automatically create form fields from annotations, but it is far from production-ready.

Here is the definition:

# ludic/catalog/

class FieldAttrs(Attrs, total=False):
    label: str
    class_div: str

class InputFieldAttrs(FieldAttrs, InputAttrs): ...
class TextAreaFieldAttrs(FieldAttrs, TextAreaAttrs): ...

class FormField(Component[TChildren, TAttrs]): ...
class InputField(FormField[NoChildren, InputFieldAttrs]): ...
class TextAreaField(FormField[PrimitiveChildren, TextAreaFieldAttrs]): ...

class Form(Component[ComplexChildren, FormAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> form: ...

Here is how you would use these components:

from ludic.catalog.forms import Form, InputField, TextAreaField
from ludic.catalog.buttons import Button

    InputField(value="John", label="Name", type="input", name="person_name"),
    TextAreaField("...", label="About you", name="person_about"),
    Button("Update", type="submit"),

Which would render as:

<form hx-get="/people/1">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="person_name">Name</label>
        <input type="input" name="person_name" id="person_name" />
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="person_about">About you</label>
        <textarea name="person_about" id="person_about">...</textarea>
    <button type="submit" class="btn">Update</button>

Generating Form Fields


This module is in an experimental state. It is not clear yet how to make the generation of form fields from annotations flexible enough.

Here is what you can do:

from typing import Annotated
from ludic.catalog.forms import Form, FieldMeta, create_fields
from ludic.types import Attrs

class CustomerAttrs(Attrs):
    id: str
    name: Annotated[
        FieldMeta(label="Customer Name"),

customer = Customer(id=1, name="John Doe")
fields = create_fields(customer, spec=CustomerAttrs)

form = Form(*fields)

The create_fields function generates form fields from annotations. It generates only fields that are annotated with the FieldMeta dataclass:

class FieldMeta:
    label: str | Literal["auto"] | None = "auto"
    kind: Literal["input", "textarea", "checkbox"] = "input"
    type: Literal["text", "email", "password", "hidden"] = "text"
    attrs: InputAttrs | TextAreaAttrs | None = None
    parser: Callable[[Any], PrimitiveChildren] | None = None

The parser attribute validates and parses the field. Here is how you would use it:

def parse_email(email: str) -> str:
    if len(email.split("@")) != 2:
        raise ValidationError("Invalid email")
    return email

class CustomerAttrs(Attrs):
    id: str
    name: Annotated[
        FieldMeta(label="Email", parser=parse_email),


These components located in ludic.catalog.tables are in an experimental mode. There is the possibility to automatically create tables even containing form fields and actions from annotations, but it is far from production-ready.

Here is the definition:

# ludic/catalog/

class TableRow(Component[AnyChildren, GlobalAttrs]): ...
    def render(self) -> tr: ...

class TableHead(Component[AnyChildren, GlobalAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> tr: ...

THead = TypeVar("THead", bound=BaseElement, default=TableHead)
TRow = TypeVar("TRow", bound=BaseElement, default=TableRow)

class Table(ComponentStrict[THead, *tuple[TRow, ...], GlobalAttrs]): ...
    def render(self) -> table: ...

This allows the following instantiations:

from ludic.catalog.tables import Table, TableHead, TableRow

    TableHead("Name", "Age"),
    TableRow("John", 42),
    TableRow("Jane", 23),

You can also specify different types of header and body:

from ludic.catalog.tables import Table

from your_app.components import PersonHead, PersonRow

Table[PersonHead, PersonRow](
    PersonHead("Name", "Age"),
    PersonRow("John", 42),
    PersonRow("Jane", 23),

Generating Table Rows


This module is in an experimental state. It is not clear yet how to make the generation of tables from annotations and combine them with forms, button actions, and so on. The idea is to make it flexible and extensible.

Here is what you can do:

from typing import Annotated
from ludic.catalog.tables import Table, create_rows
from ludic.types import Attrs

class PersonAttrs(Attrs):
    id: Annotated[int, ColumnMeta(identifier=True)]
    name: Annotated[str, ColumnMeta(label="Full Name")]
    email: Annotated[str, ColumnMeta(label="Email")]

people = [
    {"id": 1, "name": "John Doe", "email": ""},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Jane Smith", "email": ""},
rows = create_rows(people, spec=PersonAttrs)

table = Table(*rows)

The create_rows function expects people and a specification using the ColumnMeta annotation. It generates a table from that. Here are all the properties of the ColumnMeta dataclass:

class ColumnMeta:
    identifier: bool = False
    label: str | None = None
    kind: Literal["text"] | FieldMeta = "text"
    parser: Callable[[Any], PrimitiveChildren] | None = None

The kind can be a simple text or a FieldMeta instance which generates a form field.

Lazy Loader

The module ludic.catalog.loaders contains the following component:

  • LazyLoader

This component allows lazy loading data after it is rendered in the browser. For this component to work, you need to have HTMX script loaded.

# ludic/catalog/

class LazyLoaderAttrs(GlobalAttrs):
    load_url: str
    placeholder: NotRequired[AnyChildren]  # default is "Loading..."

class LazyLoader(Component[AnyChildren, LazyLoaderAttrs]):
    def render(self) -> div: ...

Here is how you would use the component:

from ludic.catalog.loaders import LazyLoader
from ludic.html import span

LazyLoader(load_url="/content-to-load", placeholder=span(...))

The placeholder will be shown while the data is loading.